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Bookmark League Volunteer Membership Policy


  • Members Portal:I understand that the Members Portal is designed to guide us in building small business brands under the Bookmark League inventory framework. The portal provides a transparent view of product costs and offers a variety of business decision-making options. By joining a brand team, I engage in the entire learning process, collaborating with the team to create products. My only financial obligation is the $35 project material fee required upon joining a brand team. The portal facilitates our journey by providing access to classes, meetings, product workshop, inventory market, selling events, and more. These resources are supported by a professional mentor team, with educational slides and materials available on a seasonal camp session basis, tailored to each project.

  • Volunteer Work:
    I understand that this is a volunteer work with no pay. Participation requires a certain level of commitment. Volunteer work time can be recorded in our system as evidence for application essays. I may choose to exit the organization with one week's notice after handing over current tasks to my teammates. If there is no activity in the system for six months, it will be considered an automatic resignation from the organization.

  • Project-Based Work:
    I understand that members will be assigned to project-based work, and the position will depend on the member's choices and the screening process if there are more candidates than available positions. Members will be encouraged to rotate to a different position in a new project after the previous project is finished to be exposed to various roles and practice multiple skills. 

  • Parental Involvement:
    I understand that the parent(s) or guardian(s) must be fully aware of and involved in their volunteer's work. The parent(s) or guardian(s) are responsible for the member's security and safety during volunteer hours. Collaboration and understanding from parents are essential.

  • Artwork and Writing Submission:
    I understand that any of my artwork, writing, or other work submissions made to Bookmark League by a member or volunteer are fully authorized for Bookmark League to use, including but not limited to social media, product development, and commercial purposes. Profits generated will be used by Bookmark League organization proejct development and also to donate to charity projects. Once submitted, these works are considered fully released for permanent use by Bookmark League.

  • Intellectual Property Commitment:
    I commit that any work I submit to Bookmark League is my original creation and does not infringe on any existing copyrights. Bookmark League is not responsible for any intellectual property violations, and I will handle any legal disputes that may arise. I also agree that my submitted works will not be used for any other commercial purposes outside of Bookmark League. The original drafts and final electronic versions of the products will not be utilized in other commercial ventures, ensuring no infringement issues arise with Bookmark League's little brand.

  • Brand Team Development and Sales: 
    I understand that any team brand product developed under the Bookmark League is funded by my $35 project registration fee. After the brand line is launched online, I can receive one pack of the product as a return. This product can be used to create my advertising images, videos, etc., to enhance my product's sales opportunities. From that point on, I will be assigned a brand creator's coupon. All orders made using the coupon will generate profit for me based on the wholesale price of the product. The profits will be reflected in the members' portal, helping me accumulate the initial investment funds for creating my own brand.

  • My Own Brand and Sales: 
    I acknowledge that any initial profits accumulated from my previous work with the brand team are to be exclusively allocated for reinvestment in my own brand. These funds are strictly limited to the procurement of inventory for my brand and are not eligible for withdrawal, wire transfer, or any other form of direct disbursement. The only permissible use of these funds is for the purchase of inventory specific to my brand. It is recommended that a minimum investment of $350 be made to establish my brand.

    Furthermore, the creation of my brand under the Bookmark League framework grants me the right to conduct sales through external channels independent of Bookmark League. It is explicitly understood that Bookmark League assumes no responsibility for, nor holds any financial interest in, the sales revenue generated by my brand outside of its platform. All profits and liabilities arising from such sales are the sole responsibility of my brand and are entirely separate from Bookmark League.

  • Event Participation:
    I acknowledge that all event activities require parental supervision. Any unsafe behavior during events will result in immediate cessation of activities. Volunteer safety is the priority, and Bookmark League is not liable for any safety incidents.

  • Waiver of Liability:
    I acknowledge and confirm that I will not hold Bookmark League liable for any safety issues during events. All submitted works are considered fully released for use by Bookmark League, including but not limited to commercial use, product development, website use, and marketing.

Volunteer's Signature

Guardian's Signature